My goodness how hectic life can get once school starts. But then again I feel like most of the time I'm a little lost. I understand that school is still completely new to me but I just hate not feeling like I fit as much as I used to. I guess that's what happens when you get used to being with the same people for nine years...
I've been thinking a lot lately about the end of the world and it's made me come to some conclusions....
you know how everyone says that everyday could be your last so you should live life to the fullest? Well, if most people believe this, then why do we waste our lives away at jobs we hate or in cold classrooms learning when we should be out there
fulfilling dreams?
I don't know...lately I've just felt like I'm not doing anything productive with my life. Don't get me wrong, I'm so lucky and thankful to have all that I have, but at times I just feel like I need to be doing more or giving more or helping more. I want to be in does one arrange that?
I also just want to start a career. I know that at 14 that sounds a little crazy, but all I want right now is to do photography for bands. Gosh I want that
soooo bad. I understand the importance of education and I'm so grateful that I've had the opportunity to have one, but another piece of me just thinks about how much I could accomplish if I didn't have to go to school everyday.
Well I guess that's my little bit of rambling for the week....
RaiganPS: homecoming hair? someone help me...please!