Saturday, August 29, 2009
there is nothing you can teach me that i can't learn from mister hathaway

Thursday, August 27, 2009
This. Is. Important.
You guys, they're awesome!!!! And here is where your help comes in :)
Paypal. Wanna make a donation? Here sweety let me help you! haha! Well I'm going to provide you guys with a widget to help them out, and you're also going to be helping ME out! If i get the most donations, I also get a bunch of really sweet loot from the lovely folks at Art Feeds!!!
And you guys can add it to your page too! It really is not about winning, it's about helping out!
Ok so if you could help, thank you soooooo much!!! The widget will be in the side bar, and I'll update you on my first week of school later.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Once upon a time
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Here Goes Nothin
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Stay Close, Don't Go
Another epic fail was brought to my attention for another time this weekend. I wish it was something that never ever ever had to be brought to my attention, I wish crimes against humanity weren't something ever brought to any one's attention due to the fact that they shouldn't exist. But sadly this isn't a perfect world and they are, in fact, a part of our lives.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Good Intentions
So I guess I'll leave you with some pictures of me and my family...and some of me and my cousin being cheese balls :)
I strongly recommend that everyone goes to see 500 Days of Summer, it's sweet and adorable and hilarious and I loved it!
Have a great weekend and, for some of you, last week of summer!
Currently Listening to: Before We Go Down by Carter Hulsey
Friday, August 7, 2009
My Shiny Teeth and Me
That last picture has no editing, it's light and the fact that I layed out once this summer for about 10 minutes :) But honestly i couldn't care less, my teeth are BEAUTIFUL and I'm just oh so very happy!
Hopefully next week I'll be starting up my guaranteed weekly post, that will oh so very hopefully be a surprise to all of you :)
I'll comment eventually haha sorry I just get distracted...if you want a comment back, just comment MEEEE silly gooses! Oh and if you still have my link as "A taste of the good life" pretty pretty please change it to Hummingbird? Thank you :)