One= my mom is pregnant! woohoo! I have a baby brother who will be one this Saturday (august 8), and he'll be 16 months old when the new one gets here. The due date on this little peanut is December 25th, this kid may get to share a birthday with Jesus!
Two= my family moved to a larger house across town, which is really cool I actually enjoy moving and having a new house that just smells new. My room is bigger which is nice, and so is my closet :)
Alright back to the scheduled programing?
I used to have these really really cool neighbors but they moved to California and I'm really excited to say they came and visited last weekend! They have 3 kids and are expecting twins (is it just me or is EVERYONE pregnant these days?) and I've always looked like i could just fit right into their perfect little blond haired blue eyed family :)
I went to a Wallflowers concert on Wednesday last week and that was very fun, it was a good night all around. Then on Friday me, my mom, step dad, brother, and friend Melissa all headed to my step dad's family's town to celebrate my little brother's birthday early. One year olds and cake is often a very fun thing, but it was also fun being weird and taking random pictures :)

Hunter's theme for his birthday was Curious George because that's what we consider him to be, a very curious little monkey who can get into trouble but is so cute it hardly matters :)
I'm also not at a Metro Station concert....*sigh*....haha don't make fun of me OK? Mayday Parade is opening, which is the only reason i wanna go!!!
Have a good day :)