Sunday, September 13, 2009

Football season is the best season

Sometimes I really miss people and don't even know it until I'm around them for a while. Well, to everyone I spent time with yesterday....I missed you. It was a good day and I'm really glad that everyone is loving their new schools and what not. Gosh I'm typing this listening to some really cheesy mellow Miley Cyrus music and I'm actually getting a little emotional. What?!

I've been messing around with new makeup. Liquid liner? I don't know, I think it looks pretty good. Hm....I hope everyone's doing well and having a fairly good time at school. I mean really, how good can it be, it's school?

My English class may be showing the Invisible Children documentary and oh my gosh I'm so excited because my teacher was all impressed with ym knowledge. Haha! It was cool, we watched Hotel Rwanda (makes me cry) then had a long conversation about genocide. It was good to hear it being brought up in school because sometimes I feel like people forget that it really is still going on today and that it's not one of those things that's like "wow that's terrible that genocide happened" when it should be "wow genocide IS happening, what can i do to help?"

I love government and English class for sure.



  1. i swear, your life looks so exciting! you and your friends always look so cool, like you were the ones who invented having fun! and football season IS pretty amazing.

  2. I loved the way you opened this post. Great! I can see how you impress your English teacher. Cool about the eyeliner too.

    Its great to hear you have such a wonderful. Gov. class too. I'm glad your year is doing good. Everytime, I see a picture of you and your friend ..she makes me think of my cousin.

  3. Sounds like you are having a blast. Wishing you to have all the answers to every complicated thing that passes your way.
